"In fact, one of the saddest but most common conditions in elementary school computer labs (when they exist in the developing world), is the children are being trained to use Word, Excel and PowerPoint. I consider that criminal, because children should be making things, communicating, exploring, sharing,not running office automation tools."
---Nicholas Negroponte, Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Media Lab
---Nicholas Negroponte, Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Media Lab
5 Inquiry Activities
click on the link to download this book from iBooks
Use inquiry to determine your running speed.....explore non-Newtonian substances....find photos that demonstrate mathematical concepts.....These are some of the 5 lesson card activities included in this package. Resources are also included.
These activities could be tweaked and used with students of all ages. Explain Everything can be used with any subject area or grade level - think Kindergarten students explaining their patterns with a picture, audio or diagrams. Use the wide variety of iPad apps to challenge students to answer a challenge question or use QR code generators to create a photo hunt suitable to all grade levels. I can attest that my students loved all these experiences.
Updates include QR codes to support the Photo Hunt and a resource list for teachers.
These activities could be tweaked and used with students of all ages. Explain Everything can be used with any subject area or grade level - think Kindergarten students explaining their patterns with a picture, audio or diagrams. Use the wide variety of iPad apps to challenge students to answer a challenge question or use QR code generators to create a photo hunt suitable to all grade levels. I can attest that my students loved all these experiences.
Updates include QR codes to support the Photo Hunt and a resource list for teachers.
(This collection includes three previously published activities....I have decided to publish in 5 activity chunks and am calling this Volume 1).