Thursday, August 9, 2012

7 Apps I Like

First of all - I love AppAdvice - it gives you daily lists of the best/top apps in a number of categories (including education) and lets you know when apps go for free.

Creative Book Builder is easy to use with students - really intuitive.  Click here for an example of a student-created book.

Dropbox is a great file sharing and file storing resource - the public folder can be used to share and collect assignments with students.

Comic Life allows students to create their own comic strips and graphic novels.  I think it is much easier to use than the computer program.

I love this app and used it for many assignments this last spring.  Students of all ages can use to create original puppet shows....effective and fun.  I used it for group projects, culminating assignment and for assessment.

There are several MathTappers apps for use with different math concepts.  They can be used with a variety of levels.  They are free too :-).  Great for helping students gain mastery over a concept.

Just an elegant search engine that eliminates the need to hunt through books and the internet for research.  It pulls together articles, video and images into one web.